We have been following the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, working closely with our stakeholders to enact plans of action that will help protect Arts for the Aging’s vulnerable clients and their caregivers. Given the importance and effectiveness of social distancing to slow community transmission, we have made the difficult decision to suspend our current programs through March 31, 2020. Our staff is adapting practices and ensuring secure access to resources needed for potentially extended remote work. We are looking to virtual networking technology so we can continue to inspire optimism in creative aging. We will continue to monitor the situation in the days and weeks to come, and we’ll stay in touch.
While it is heartbreaking that Arts for the Aging programs will not be available to support and uplift the lives of older, frailer, and lonelier adults — which also adds an additional burden to caregivers — we share a priority to keep communities safe. We also believe it is important to provide a safety net to those at the heart, soul, and frontlines of this organization — our gifted faculty of 26 teaching artists who are our practitioners.
Read more here including ideas for artful caregiving and self-care you can do at home.
In hard times, the arts bring us joy, comfort, and hope—like these “Lovely Ladies,” made in teaching artist Carol Siegel’s workshops with seniors at Arlington Adult Day Services Center, to help keep spirits up during this time of community care:
P.S. – The Centers for Disease Control has lay-friendly information for individuals and organizations, and with regularly updated FAQs available here. The information in this blog post is not all-inclusive nor is it offered as professional medical advice. Please seek advice from a professional healthcare service provider as and when necessary.